Sunday, September 06, 2009

Guess This Makes Me Sound Like a Girl

I have always thought of 'The Notebook' as one of the perfect love stories. Maybe, not total perfection, come one, which real romance is? But it shines through the flaws and perils of the relationship.

To show a love that is strong and never wavers. Something that is lasting. Something pure and eternal, so to speak?

And right before I head off to do MORE wardwork, yes, on a Sunday! *grunts* I shall just make a note of my favourite quotes from The Notebook.

Ah refer to the title of this blog and thou shall see the light!

Maybe I am too much of a drama queen but ohsoironic that these lines are somewhat synonymous to what I wanna say, or are rather applicable to my own love story?

LOL I know, pardon my overdose of mushiness. Oh well, just woke up missing The Hubby superduperuber much la okeh!

"So it's not gonna be easy.
It's going to be really hard;
We're gonna have to work at this everyday,

but I want to do that because I want you.

I want all of you, forever, everyday.

You and me... everyday. "

"Do you think our love can make miracles? I think our love can do anything we want it to."

I love you.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Be Right Back


I guess I haven't been updating much, it's almost like I have disappeared off the blogosphere. But gah, 4th year of med school is getting to me... Okay, who am I kidding? Haha just trying to tell myself, I NEED TO WORK HARDER!!!

In a nutshell, I am doing fine. No more drama in my life, at least as of now. Still very much attached to and in love with The Hubby. 37 months and counting... He has been nothing short of amazing. *blushes*

I am doing Paediatrics now. Lotsa lotsa free time, spent playing with the babies and little kids. It's such a surprise that I am having fun in this block.

Now, life would be perfect IF I didn't have that crazy research project to finish. Ah the huuuggeee sample size needed. And effing SPSS!