Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

... to me.

Strangely enough I managed to find some suitors in this rural town (they may or may not be in the same locality, but close enough)

Why oh why?

But alas, it's always the case where's there's something missing in that sweetest guy who interested in me...

... deep down, there's something not right. the lack of chemistry? different wavelengths?

le sighs.


Robinn T said...

damn you've been gone FAR TOO LONG! Must be cooped up with HOship. Where are you btw??!!!

haha lack of chem? spice it up with some lubs then xD

J said...

Distance....... sigh sigh sigh...

savante said...

It takes a while to make a connection. Don't give up on it so fast!

ooi2009 said...

take me up , i need a valentine

add me on msn , ooi2009@live.com.my

i wanna seduce u ok