Saturday, September 05, 2009

Be Right Back


I guess I haven't been updating much, it's almost like I have disappeared off the blogosphere. But gah, 4th year of med school is getting to me... Okay, who am I kidding? Haha just trying to tell myself, I NEED TO WORK HARDER!!!

In a nutshell, I am doing fine. No more drama in my life, at least as of now. Still very much attached to and in love with The Hubby. 37 months and counting... He has been nothing short of amazing. *blushes*

I am doing Paediatrics now. Lotsa lotsa free time, spent playing with the babies and little kids. It's such a surprise that I am having fun in this block.

Now, life would be perfect IF I didn't have that crazy research project to finish. Ah the huuuggeee sample size needed. And effing SPSS!


C'est la vie said...

Ouch! I hate SPSS! :P

Well, glad to hear that everything is fine for you. So jealous you're in a relationship for 3 years + already and still counting.

All the best! :)

Bernard said...

SPSS OWH HOW MUCH I LOOOOOOOVEEEEEE IT!!! (I mean that sarcastically ;))

Clayden L. said...
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Medie007 said...

ugh. i hate peds.

and i hate SPSS as well.


Jaded Jeremy said...

Wah seems like doctors are sprouting left and right :) Good luck!

Pluboy2 said...

good luck!!

RcKs said...

Babies are pests.