Friday, January 01, 2010

Hello 2010!

Somehow I can't believe it's a new year already! Heck, it's the start of a new decade.

Goodbye Noughties!

Oooh boy! What a year 2009 has been!

My choice of keywords for Oh-Nine would be: drama, scandals, bitching, perseverance and blood.

Looking back on the year, it did not have a lack of trials and tribulations, oh bah-humbug, along with some wholesome good fun. Insufficiency of the latter, IMHO.

Got a new nickname - "The HO".

So don't trust me!

Started clinical training.

Getting my self-esteem crushed and rebuilt on a daily basis. Serving my pride to the (some) ruthless Dato/Datin/Prof/Consultants for breakfast.

But all is good. I am surviving and thriving (even if just a little).

Small glimpse of my future career path.

"You are born to be an obstetrician. You have nice long fingers. Good to palpate the sacral promontory." (aka good at poking vajayjays)

"You should consider doing orthopaedics. You have the stature. Not like your friend here." *points at a shorter classmate* LOL

"You are so full of yourself. Try pursuing General Surgery."

In all honesty, I prefer surgical-based specialties. Love working with my hands. And I doubt I have the intelligence to be an internist. Time will tell.

Ate and ate and ate. Exercise no enough.

FAT FAT FAT! Need to restart my stepping/yoga/pilates/regular running.

Yes, I will start after my finals in a month's time. LOL

Travelled quite a bit.

5 visits to Singapore in a year. Oh and that one day trip down south just to catch STOMP!

Had surgery done.

Pain. Propofol is such a b*tch!

Ugly scar. Borderline keloid.

Taken 3 days post-op.

Bought myself a new celly!

Okay, mummy's pressie actually! LOL
Farewell w900i baby! It has been a good 3.5 years with you!

Got some kinky presents for my birthday this year!

Passion Fruit Flavour!

Bade farewell to some buddies (who left for overseas: various reasons).

As One Tree Hill says, "People always leave."

But then again, these people are pretty much indispensable.

Heck, my phone has equal UK/US/Aus/NZ/Singapore SMS-es/occasional phone calls to the local ones I make these days. Still getting regular snailmail and surprise packages. Love love love!

Hello to new darling friends!

Well, you know who you are. And you know I love you guys like porn chocolates and alcohol!


Our Xmas Tree!

And a special shoutout to the newest peepz I met at the NYE party alrighty! *winks*

40 months and counting...

This year wasn't particularly easy on the relationship. But we are still holding on.

Am happy :)


savante said...

Getting crushed by specialists? You'll get plenty during the internship! :) Steel yourself!

Ed said...

our xmas tree looks fabulous!

hope 2010 will be great for us!~

ikanbilis said...

i love the last part. <3

Happy New Year =)

Anonymous said...

that piggie buns are so cute, wish u a fabulous 2010 with lotsa happiness and success, and of coz stronger relationship :)

Gratitude said...

Hope this long post wuz not due to last nite's rant?!

Wishing you a smooth sail in 2010. ^_^

Medie007 said...

doesnt sound like a bad year at all. so drama. for all i know, i've got the same crushing on daily basis too. but it's always glad that i have erm another life which i escape to after i got back from the ward. wakakaka.

TZ said...

hmmm.... so many things to write about. An interesting year eh~

May your twenty ten mark a better year for you. Let's look for a better tomorrow eh~

Pluboy2 said...


deeperanddeeper said...

the last pic... so sweet...

S said...

I'll keep the tree up for a while more. Dad wants me to take it down and store away for next year, but mom loves it and wants to keep it up. No guesses for who I'll go with. :P


William said...

Nice epilogue-prologue. :)

the viennamese said...

Ouch. Got some pretty disturbing images there. x(

joshua said...

Thanks everybody! I just know 2010 has loads of excitement in store for us!

Will keep updating regularly! I am starting to feel guilty to this humble blog of mine.

Guess for now, I will be the 'persistent optimist'.

joshua said...

Evann, disturbing? err! LOL

Anonymous said...

yeah the last pic is so sweet:)

happy new year!