Monday, December 20, 2010

Let Me Do It!

If you did not review the patient, don't lie and document 'fictitious' findings in the case notes.

If you do not know anything, ask your peers or superiors. Don't play the guessing game with drug dosages.

If you've done something wrong, own up. Don't fake hypoglycaemic fainting spells as a reason for escape. (And I totally saw you gossiping in the on-call room after!)

If you are so afraid of getting sick from the patients you're supposed 'to care for', you might need to think again if you want this job.

If you have opinions about a patient's illness, keep it to yourself. It's not for mindless chit-chat.

If you are so afraid of taking blood from a patient with retroviral disease, LET ME DO IT ALREADY!

Thank you!

For not doing your job and letting me fill in your gaps while I learn to be better.

And not turn into someone like you. Ptuiii!


Gratitude said...

Gosh, maciam ini pun ada?!

Medie007 said...


*medie likes this*