Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Role Model

I have now 3 jobs, though all of them are pretty much made for slackers. Shocking yes! No, I am not teaching during the day, selling my body on some Scratchy-Itchy Lane and then cleaning the local 7-Eleven outlet! Just in case some are wondering. Why, then I won’t have time to blog and more importantly watch One Tree Hill! Ooo Chad.

Don't work so hard, babe!

On another totally unrelated matter, I recently caught up with a *cute* junior of mine (or rather the other way around). He has just finished his SPM and is so enthusiastic about the next phase in his life. I wanted to suggest a sweaty orgy but it is not kind to pollute a young fella’s mind. He then started asking me about, you know, boring serious school/college stuff. Being in a rather good mood, I accommodated his incessant querying. (Honestly, why ask me? Go find the counsellor-lah!)

I have a short attention span. My eyes were roving all over (not at him) until I saw an alumnus on the cover of some publication. So I pointed out to Cute Junior, “You know, this guy said that our principal was his role model to succeed last time?” He then responded, “You are mine.” *gasps* Huh? *eyes blinking* It took me a while before I realised that he meant I am his role model. How is one to respond to such flattery? I said, “You’re joking.”

Why me? I find myself uninspiring and uninteresting. I skipped school as much as I have scored As. I may have accomplished some stuffs but they are nothing to shout about (like having Chad as my BF). Apparently, CJ thinks otherwise. I hardly spoke to him until the last year of high school. It is odd (and head-enlarging) that someone looks up to me that much. *dizzy confusion*

Could I have unknowingly encouraged him to taste the other side of the platter? LOL. Well, he is famed for fancying anything that has the slightest association from the Land of the Rising Sun. And I do have genes originating from there.

But no, I shall not commit adultery against Chad.

Chad: Don’t you dare cheat on me.
Josh: I am all yours.

Now, I have to get back to work. Overtime. No, not cleaning the 7-Eleven toilet.

For the record, Cute Junior is straight as an arrow.


savante said...

Between the both of us, I think we can bend the arrow :)


Will said...

Count me in. I think we should let Cute Junior know the joys of sweaty orgies.

Aiyah ppl so young. How they know if they like men or women until they've tried both.

You know what they say...once you've tried dick, you'll never get sick (of it).

joshua said...

Paul, probably I can start by cranking up a thingy like between you and your Handsome Hui? *winks*

Will, I second that thought. But have you tried both sides before deciding? Which was/is saucier? Or both? hehex

And the dick... sick saying, I first heard it from you. Wiseguy!

I wonder if Cute Junior will enjoy a Bel Ami orgy setting ?

hcpen said...

what a funny your writing style...also what do u mean u have genes from 'the Land of the Rising Sun'?? I read ur profile and says you have mixed heritage, are you saying you are half or a quarter japanese??
also, forgot to answer the question u left in my blog, yes u can link up to me, and i will most definitely be linking up to you as well!

Zemien said...

Yes, Joshua, take charge of your position as role model and show him the joys of eating chicken. Eating pussy is SO boring (at least to me) :P

Anonymous said...

With you being his role model and his fascination with your genes and all, I'm sure you can bend him before he even knows what's going on.

Yeah, go bend him then blog all about it!

joshua said...

HC, I am 25% Japanese, 74% Chinese and 1% Irish. Lolx

But... but... what about Chad? :(
I know he is simply waiting for me! I just know it

joshua said...

Harvey, Thanks. I never knew how much Chad loves me, now I know for sure. And everyone knows I snatched him away from Sophia Bush (God Bless Her Royal Lovable-Bitchiness!)

executorlouis said...
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executorlouis said...

All fangirls together now...we lurve CHAD!!! :P