Guess what? I am already in university.
Tertiary education. Brand new, much-awaited phase in life (hardly something I anticipate noting me so lazy). Fresh start.
How on earth did I end up HERE??? In a sorta-semi-ulufied place with a shamefully small campus... in comparison... and with a weird housemate. An oddity, who just proclaimed to me (with his guest friend) is planning to have an entourage of str8 guys going to LQ next week. Hmm...
You know what I hate most? Being a freshman...
Cos juniors get bullied by seniors lor. And me prefers to be on the bullying side... as per usual.
ORIENTATION WEEK starts Monday. Ah the "excitement"!
Anyways, me started talking to ppl... Naturally I talk... like A LOT... of BIMBO-worthy things... But...
It's only like Week Zero on the Academic Calendar. And there are people so uptight and stressed out, having the overly-enthusiastic attitude of wanting to be on the Dean's List, being President of this club that club, wanting to get a minimum of straight As and other despicable kiasu acts... Goodness, we haven't been orientated yet. =(
I mean, rilek lah bradder... So stress what for, man?
So yeah, getting into a programme where MOST of the candidates are soooo particularly anal about grades and merely their textbooks... where do I fit in?
Will I even ever fit in? But shouldn't I have expected this in the first place? Was I too hasty bout this???
I don't know, as of yet.
In perspective, I am only human. And people usually get fearful and worry when we are put in unfamiliar circumstances.
Aaah... I met a guy who tutors a national athlete and is overly super-high achiever. And another girl who skipped like donno-how-many years of school... and is entering uni at 16!!! Oh, there's this really really really irritating guy who cannot stop talking about how he's only in our university cos he did not get accepted elsewhere (e.g. Cambridge, Oxford, Melbourne etc) despite his excellent grades and track record.
Here I stand, a mere tiny dwarf in a hall overflowing with giants.
Am I really ready for this???
I better be. I chose this route. So now, just Plug 'n Play!