Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?

For those of you who have not noticed the incessant burning of josssticks and paper offerings, and the erection of makeshift stages everywhere - we're already into the seventh Chinese lunar month. That means (according to the old wives), the Gates of Hell are Open (jeng jeng jeng jeng!). This is an especially happy year for those restless souls who get to come to the earthly realm to party (think of it as a ghostly Ibiza, except that they rave to Chinese opera. Or karaoke girls from China as is the fashion these days). That's because this is a Chinese leap year, and in the calendar's own strange way, there are two seventh months this year. It's like an extra long semester break.

On a somewhat unrelated note... Joshua's off gallivanting in... well, wherever he's gone gallivanting to lah. And apparently that means he either cannot come to the net or his hands are way too full to blog.

Come away with me


Yes, my darlings. The Guestblogger has arrived at "Quote & UnKuote".

Guestblogging is nothing new, really. I remember when Jay had taken a major step in his relationship by handing his bf "the keys to his blog" to water the feeds and feed the fans.

The recent guestblogging phenomena seems to have started with AJ, when he let a few colourful characters into his blog while he was away. And then Alex followed suit with his flock of masqueraders. Now I get a request from Joshua to put in my two paper ingot's worth here.

Sure, it's an honour to be considered worthy enough not to send his ratings down the drain. And trusted enough not to completely hijack his blog by putting up a horrendous title banner, redirecting his links, or posting naked pics of him in compromising positions (not that my scruples don't allow me to, I just don't have such pics). My only gripe is I haven't been able to find much things to write about in my own blog (maybe I should go on a sabbatical and get other people to write my blog), but here I am with several paragraphs down and still about halfway to go.

(I can hear lots of groaning out there. Just shut up)

But seriously, how lah to write on someone else's blog while remaining true to that person's blog spirit?

Well, how about a quote, for starters? Joshua is always quoting someone or other. This is "Quote & UnKuote", after all.

"With great power comes great responsibility"

Considering I can actually wipe this blog out of existence with a click of a button, I guess it's safe to say I'm having quite a bit of power here. And of course, the accompanying responsibility. Damn you, Uncle Ben! I didn't need to know that!

Now I know Joshua hardly ever talks about that guy he's reportedly been popping cherries with. Thanks to the Uncle Ben Clause, I can't say anything about it either. BUT... I didn't promise I wouldn't sneak in a pic... (shhh... don't tell him)

"I think cute, therefore I am cute"

Yep. I guess that wasn't a surprise to anyone :P

Joshua also enjoys taking pics of delectable delicacies and posting them here. So here's one:


See? I've haven't quite strayed from the path of this blog, have I?


- The Guestblogger


Kihu said...

duhz another guest blogger post duhz..

savante said...

OMG. I love the guest blogger. He's so damned funny! Can I have him?


Ganymede said...

Hmmm. He's got the same fetish of Chad Michael Murray as him... Hmmmm... I wonder who...

Anonymous said...

I guess he is the flying princess

Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »